Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hey! Now I'm gonna try this thing!

I'm in the middle of this painting. I was really feeling it for a while, but then somewhere along the way I started to dislike it. Maybe it's just at that awkward, half-finished stage, but if you have any helpful advice I'd be grateful.

This girl is a witch, and she's casting a spell to keep away those mosquitoes. The bugs are just blocked in colour right now - more detail to come. I'm also planning to clean up some of the lines and shapes, and touch up my gouache where the paint is a little thin.

Do you think I should integrate the colours more throughout the painting, or does the strong yellow/blue separation work?


  1. This piece rocks, I looovvee the spindley dock, it looks like it might go on forever haha. That cat is really great, too, kind of dr. suessy.

    I'm hesitant to comment on colour because I have total colour anxiety BUT I think maybe adding a hit of that cat-blue on the main figure will give her more presence. At the moment my eye tends to go towards the cat first because the contrast between the orange/blue is so strong. I think the lines will help to tie things together too.

    What if she had some orange in her hair?

  2. Also, I like how you've changed the colour of the mosquitos depending on how close or far away they are.

  3. I think the strong separation works well! The orange area feels a bit flat right now but you've said you have more details to do so that'll change up.

  4. So how are you feeling for this one? Now that I'm looking at it again, I think you're free to do almost anything you want. The seperated colours look good but bringing in the blues/greens on the leaves would be cool too!

    ps. I'm loving that cat. The way he/she seems to be drawn in towards the girl is hilarious!
