Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Storyboard: Updated July 3rd, 2011

I redrew some of the characters' facial expressions and tried to get more depth by erasing out the background blues in areas. Counting this one as done and on to the next!

I did this set of storyboards using a Rogers commercial for reference and would like your feedback on it! I want to know what panels work, and what ones don't. Thankee!


  1. Hey is that Michael Cera? Hahaha. Lookin good, I really like the drawings of the two women top right even though they're small.

    My only crit is that it took me a little to figure out what was going on (the snake hand tipped me off haha), maybe because you don't really establish what the characters are doing before you pull the viper. I see now that the fourth panel is them starting the game but perhaps a closer shot would establish that they're playing rock vs. scissors? At first I thought they were just talking.

    Other than that I think it's sweet. Are there supposed to be arrows and stuff for action/movement or something? You know better than me but I thought that was a storyboard thing?

  2. and by "even though they're small" I meant "even though they're not supposed to be the focal point".

    One more thing - not sure what the purpose of the 9th panel is, what's going on there? Are they being like 'daammn you crazy' or something because if they are I think they need more enthusiasm or.. snarky eyebrows!

    p.s my secret word is Wompo which is pretty great.

  3. haha I also feel the smaller figures look better.

    Those are good points about the narrative. I was just kinda drawing scenes from the commercial to figure out how I want these storyboards to look. Trying to get the hang of doing these in a completely digital environment!

    lol yea storyboards do have arrows in many of them but in some cases it isn't necessary. For advertising boards, where they are meant to sell the concept, they don't need arrows because "shooting boards" would be done later if it's approved.

    Thanks for the feedback alexis! I'll be back with more.

  4. Ohh - cool!! The more you know. Let's see MOOARRR!!

  5. Ah totally better - the change in expression in the 7th panel does a lot for the flow. I like how you got all that texture into the hair, btw.
