Monday, July 4, 2011

New Boards!

Pull out your Berger hats, I'd love to hear what you think of these panels.


  1. Ah Ian you're good at this! The flow is really nice in this one, it's easy to follow what's going on. I love the body language of his friends coming through the door, they look like they've just burst in the way friends do. The from-above shot is great, too - he totally looks proud!

    It's a little weird that the friends go from being at the door with food to totally disappearing and him eating? That's the only spot where I have to be like 'wait.. what's going on'? I assume they've given him food and left but the story doesn't 'flow' as well between these two panels as they do on the others.

  2. Thanks Alexis! I had alot of fun drawing this one, even though one of the panels had to be redrawn 3 times! I'm working at making my linework look more confident in the next set. here's hoping!
